Free Live Event: May 11, 1 – 3 pm US EDT
Do you want to know what Astrology can do for you? I’ll start with what it cannot and does not. No, the planets do not exert astrological influences through their gravitational fields. Really, people? And no, Mars did not make you slip on that banana peel. No, your travel plans do not break down every time Mercury retrogrades. No, you don’t get to win the lottery when Jupiter sweeps over your Sun. All right, all right, what does it do, then? I’ve been researching and testing Astrological concepts for over twenty years. Do you want to know what I have learned? If you do, join me for the free live event I am hosting on Saturday, May 11, 1 pm – 3 pm EDT. Last part of the event will be for Q&A from the audience.
Interested but living in the wrong time zone? Registered participants will have access to the recording for a week to review.
The world has changed and re-arranged. Have you noticed it?
I have. Noticed the change, that is.
Nothing really fits the way it did last year. Clothes feel outdated. Gadgets and appliances break. It is easy to fall into grievances. What is the world coming to? … Or, you can see it with eyes unclouded by past habit and judgment. Wake up and see – the world is being transformed in front of our eyes!
In line with this transformation, I notice that every six months or so, my vision changes. I have new ideas, new projects, and a new vision of how to organize the disparate aspects of my life. In the current iteration, the Travelers Site is moving on to a new state of being – that of a platform for the free exchange of astrological and JSJ insights and resources. All classes and services are moved to my business site, Effortless Reality.
Effortless Reality
Are you looking for my services or classes? Go to my business site Effortless Reality.
If you prefer to read my stories, my first book is coming soon. Read a sneak-preview of its first chapter.
Or, you can listen to my personal stories on my new podcast.

JSJ Self-Help
The Trinity | The Safety Energy Locks | The Twelve-fold Energy

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