The Emergency Room

Did you want to try something new for self-help? Check out the Third Method Self Help, also known as the “Emergency Room” flow:

Place Right Hand on top of head and keep it there.


  1. L.H.  on the coccyx
  2. L.H. Between the eyes (20)
  3. L.H on Top of nose
  4. L.H at Base of throat
  5. L.H on Middle of sternum (13)
  6. L.H. on Base of sternum (14)
  7. L.H. on Small of the back (23)
  8. L.H. on Neck from base of skull to shoulders
  9. L.H. on Pubic bone

Thank you to Marie-Reine Viollin for sharing that sequence with us!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. M K

    On point 8, left hand from base of skull to shoulders, how to do it. Is it from JSJ center #4 to center #11, the hand covering the entire cervical spine or the left hand touches right & left shoulder 11 & 3 or both? Please clarify.

  2. Božena

    I don’t understand the 8.point as wall. How to do this? Thanks

    1. Tatiana

      Step 8 – when you place gently the fingers of your left hand along the neck – the pinky naturally lies close to the base of the skull. The hand and fingers are slightly curved as when you play the piano and slightly spread out.

      The ring, middle, and index fingers, in this order, follow along the cervical vertebrae, and the thumb reaches the bottom where the shoulders meet the neck.

      Do not worry about the perfect or proper alignment. As long as you place your fingers along the neck in a comfortable position, it will work. Our energy field extends beyond the narrow physical contact.

      I rarely go beyond the first (anchor) step nowadays, and it still works great!

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