The 8s have been lurking at the edge of my awareness for years now. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, they are related to the magic, though I prefer to think of them as “miracle workers”. I once researched the 8s and found out that the 8-fold symmetry comes more frequently in man-made concepts and objects rather than occurring naturally.
In recent months, I have found myself holding the 8s quite frequently. First, it was the morning when I held SELs 8 and 11 together while still in bed. When I lie on my side, I find it very convenient to place the bottom hand on top of the outer knee (opposite SEL 8). The top hand then goes to the lower shoulder on the opposite SEL 11. I was just contemplating that there was no such flow anywhere in my Jin Shin Jyutsu textbooks when I noticed a warmth beginning to crawl up my back. I felt the release of tension in the back on the side of the 8 that I was holding.
When I was playing with my self-made Jin Shin Jyutsu cards later that day, two cards fell “accidentally” during shuffling. What was my astonishment when I saw that it was SELs 8 and 11! My whole focus snapped to attention – there are no coincidences in this universe of ours! So, instead of dismissing my experience, I started contemplating it in earnest.
As things appear grouped in three, as the old adage goes, here are three reflections on the 8 – 11 connection straight from my Jin Shin Jyutsu experience.
- Holding the 8s as in SBFE(4) helps the shoulders. My grandma held her 8s for hip relief once and told me that the sequence relaxed her shoulders.
- Carlos Gutterres drew a diagram once for us in relation to the SELs 5-6-7-8 harmonizing sequence. On that diagram, I have it clearly marked that if the flow helps the left 8, then it helps the right shoulders (11s)
- Both SELs 11 and 8 are closely related to the hip. SEL 11 governs the Hip Line. SEL 8 opens and relieves anything pelvic-related.
But the biggest insight, however, comes from studying the keywords and phrases for the two Safety Energy Locks – “miracles unfolding” and “release of burdens and garbage.” Perhaps, we need to cleanse ourselves first before the miracles can unfold.
Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.
A Course In Miracles, T-1.I.7, Foundation for Inner Peace (2007)