In a previous post, I wrote about my dog Brodie receiving a flow to harmonize his Liver Function Energy. He is 13 years old now and in the cocker-spaniel world, he doesn’t have much time left on this plane.
When we rescued him three years ago, he came to us with seizures, eczema, and two sets of medications to help his thyroid and anxieties. Last week, his doctor was once again amazed at how well he was. He no longer has seizures and his fur is soft and silky. Even more so, his blood tests show no traces of liver damage. Apparently, his medications were known to cause liver problems in older dogs, the doctor told us.
Now, I understand why I had to give him the Liver flow in the past. To be honest, it’s not just JSJ that he receives from us. His belonging to a family, being loved and cared for, the regular exercise and clean food certainly contribute to his well-being. I call it the low-stress-high-joy life style. It makes me wonder where our life-styles currently rank on the stress-joy scale.
Are you closer to the stress or joy end of the scale? Regardless of the exact mark, we can all benefit from a harmonious Liver Function Energy. For those of us with birthdays in the February-March period, or with stiff necks or sluggish disposition in the morning, Liver Function Energy is the thing for you to harmonize. As an added bonus, it keeps our joins lubricated, helps our vision, and reminds us that there is more to life than what is immediately in front of our eyes.
How to Harmonize Liver Function Energy
Left Side
Left Hand on Left 4; Right Hand on Right 22
Right Side
Right Hand on Right 4; Left Hand on Left 22.