The Eye Flow

I’ve been doing the eye flow lately. What with too much work, reading late at night, and irregular sleep patterns, I have noticed that my usual go-to flow for tired eyes, the combination of SELs 4-21, doesn’t seem to cut it any more. So, I brought out the big guns – the Eye Flow variation for opening of SEL 10.

When I used SELs 4-21, I did it before falling asleep. Now I do the Eye Flow first thing in the morning. I set my alarm to thirty minutes earlier than usual, and I stay in bed doing both sides of the Eye flow self-help.

Do you know how to do it? Take the standard sequence for SEL 10 – Eye Flow and skip the first step. I also skip the last step, even though I love it and it is very powerful. It just feels too early in the morning to be stretching all the way to the toes for that last step. Here is how my routine goes:

Eye Flow (Right Side)

Step 1. Place your left hand under the right underarm. With the right hand make a circle by placing your right thumb over the index finger nail.

Step 2. Keep your left hand under the right underarm. Place your right hand on the left SEL 20 (above the eyebrow).

Step 3. Keep your left hand under the right underarm. Place your right hand on the left SEL 21 (cheekbone).

Step 4. Keep your left hand under the right underarm. Return your right hand on the left SEL 20 (same as Step 2.)

Step 5. Keep your right hand on the left SEL 20 and move your left hand to left SEL 14 (bottom of rib cage)

Step 6. (Optional) Right had on the left SEL 20. Left hand holds the left second toe.

Pop quiz: do you know which side helps which eye?

I’ll leave it to you to puzzle it out. But here is a hint. If you get a twitchy eye, hold the second toe and find out which one, right or left, helps your eye stop from twitching. It works like a charm for me but I have to hold it for at least twenty minutes, or the twitching comes back.

I have also been doing the Eye Flow together with the Eyes Mantra given in Chakra Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand. I chose the sun mantra used for healing afflictions of the eyes on page 151 of the book, and did it for forty days straight. At first, I started only with the Mantra. Then, I moved to doing it outside or in a sunny room while exposed to sunshine. Finally, I added the Eye Flow to the whole routine. I am still evaluating the total effect of this exercise. But I certainly like it when I can weave exercises from different traditions.

What about you? Have your eyes been tired lately? What do you do? Share your flows.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lalita

    Very informative

  2. Shilpa Rao

    So good to read of your practice and insights Tatiana! I remember doing the textbook Eye Flow when I felt tired/ burning eyes – and it was very helpful.
    One of old-time go-to remedies for tired/ burning eyes is Rose Water! I spray Rose Water on two cotton rounds and place them on my eyes – aah, it is incredibly soothing and relieving for eyes.

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