How to Harmonize MCV
The Self Help routine is given in both the Self Help Book 1 by Mary Burmeister and the Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister. It is a great sequence to apply daily on oneself.
Self Help v.1

Place the right hand on top of the head. Place the left hand between the eyebrows, then to the tip of the nose, the middle of the sternum, the base of the sternum, and the top of the pubic bone. In the end, move the right hand to the basis of the spine (coccyx). [SH1, p.15].
- Top of Head
- Between the eyebrows (the level of SEL 20)
- Tip of the nose (the level of SEL 21)
- Middle of the sternum (the level of SEL 13)
- The base of the sternum (the level of SEL 14)
- Pubic bone (the level of SEL 15)
- Coccyx (the level of SEL 25)
Self Help v.2
The Self-help routine given above comes directly from Mary Burmeister’s Self Help Book [SH1, p.15]. There is another variation, however, that I have seen in the 5-Day seminars. Here it is:
Right Hand on Top of Head, Left Hand between the eyebrows.
- Right Hand on top of the head; Left Hand between the eyebrows (the level of SEL 20)
- Left Hand on the tip of the nose (the level of SEL 21)
- Left Hand at the throat (the level of SEL 22)
- Left Hand in the middle of the sternum (the level of SEL 13)
- Left Hand in the base of the sternum (the level of SEL 14)
- Left Hand at the pubic bone (the level of SEL 15)
- Right Hand at the coccyx (the level of SEL 25)
More Alternatives
The Self-Help Sequence for the Anterior-Posterior Vertical Energy begins just as the MCV sequence. So, it is easy to incorporate it into your MCV daily practice. All you have to do is include a step 2.1 where you place your fingers between your nose and the upper lip.
- Right Hand on top of the head; Left Hand between the eyebrows (the level of SEL 20)
- Left Hand on the tip of the nose (the level of SEL 21)
- Left-Hand fingers between the nose and the upper lip.
- Left Hand at the throat (the level of SEL 22)
- Left Hand in the middle of the sternum (the level of SEL 13)
- Left Hand in the base of the sternum (the level of SEL 14)
- Left Hand at the pubic bone (the level of SEL 15)
- Right Hand at the coccyx (the level of SEL 25)
The Third Method Correction Self-Help is also an excellent and powerful harmonizing sequence for the Main Central. It also harmonizes the Mediator and restores the relationship of the Mediator with the Main Central.
Further Commentary
When practicing the art, be mindful that it be done effortlessly. If you find your hands and arms are getting tired, adjust your position. Lie on the bed, surround yourself with pillows, or make any necessary adjustments to make yourself comfortable. If you are tensing or stressing, that could easily counteract any benefits from the harmonizing sequences.
As the Main Central Vertical (MCV) manifests on the physical plane, it shows in the spinal cord. And each vertebra in its turn connects to one of the 12-fold Body Function Energy and to all our fingers and toes. That allows us to use our fingers to harmonize vertebrae and consequently relate back to the Main Central.