Left And Right Major Vertical (Supervisor) Universal Harmonizing Energy
The Supervisor flows begin at the inner side of the knees and circulate the body five times. They descend down their corresponding legs, ascend back up, go over the head and descend. At each round as they reach the groin area of their corresponding side, they flow somewhat deeper, thus forming five depths of manifestation. Each depth fulfills a particular function of building the surface skin (1D), the deep skin (2 D), the blood (3D), the muscles (4D), and the bones (5D).
To Harmonize
Left Side: Place the right hand on the left shoulder (SEL 11). Place the left hand (a) at the left sit bone (SEL 25), and (b) at the left groin area (SEL 15).
Right Side: Place the left hand on the right shoulder (SEL 11). Place the right hand (a) at the right sit bone (SEL 25) and (b) at the right groin area (SEL 15).
For a longer harmonizing sequence, the 16-17-18-19 helps the Supervisor as well.
Further Commentary
The Left and Right Major Vertical (Supervisor) Universal Harmonizing Energy is the second aspect of the Universal Harmonizing Energy [T1, p.3]. It resonates with the number 2 – Duality. There are two Supervisors for the two sides of the body: left and right. Each oversees its corresponding side and is responsible for that side to be in harmony with the Main Central Energy. The Left-Right Supervisor duality relates to any concept that manifests in duality.
The Supervisor flows “monitor” their corresponding sides: left and right. The Left Supervisor helps with exhaling. It corresponds to the active, masculine principle and it facilitates the rational side, linear thinking, logic and the concept of time. It also supervises any building processes in the body. The Right Supervisor helps with inhaling. It corresponds to the receptive, feminine principle and it facilitates imagination, relationships, and the concept of space. It also supervises the cleaning up processes in the body.
Right Supervisor | Left Supervisor | |
Principle | Receptive | Active |
Breathing | Inhale | Exhale |
Gender | Female | Male |
Brain | Relationships Intuition, Imagination Concept of space | Linear thought Logic, Reason Concept of time |
Direction | Ascending Un-manifesting Involution | Descending Manifesting Evolution |
Number 2
The Supervisor comes the second in the Universal Harmonizing Energy [T1, p. 3] and is the first flow for which the energy divides. It is about Duality and resonates with the function of number 2. Naturally, it can be helped by SEL 2 through their numerological relationship.
Hip Line
The Supervisor relates to the physical manifestation and resonates with the Hip Line, being the line corresponding to the physical body. Any flows harmonizing the Hip Line (SEL 2, 15) will directly work towards the harmonization of the Supervisor, and vice versa. Harmonizing the Supervisor opens up the Hip Line. The 2nd Method Correction brings the Supervisor and the Main Central back into harmony and, at the same time, harmonizes the Hip Line.