Saturn in our lives
Saturn is the symbol of obstruction, restriction, and limitations in Western Astrology. At the time of my birth, it resided within the fourth zodiacal sign Cancer*. Being the fourth, it…
Saturn is the symbol of obstruction, restriction, and limitations in Western Astrology. At the time of my birth, it resided within the fourth zodiacal sign Cancer*. Being the fourth, it…
When Lung and Large Intestine Function Energy intermingles, many symptoms may appear along the arm, in the chest, face, and throat area. By holding our shoulder and SEL 18, we can effectively harmonize both FE and resolve the intermingling.
The second class of my JSJ self-help course series is available on Udemy. It includes material on the 5-element Theory of TCM, the Order of Creation, and the twelve-fold daily Function Energy known as the 12-organ Function Energy in JSJ.
I woke up one day, several months ago, to find my ring finger aching. For those of you familiar with your anatomy, it was the proximal interphalangeal joint, though I…
In a previous post, I wrote about my dog Brodie receiving a flow to harmonize his Liver Function Energy. He is 13 years old now and in the cocker-spaniel world,…
A harmonious flow of the Spleen Function Energy gives us a boost of energy and hence of our immunity. It helps run-down conditions when we feel exhausted after prolonged illness or work. It lifts our spirits and brings sunshine to life.
If we ever hope to reach peace, Bladder is the aspect of the 12-fold Body Function that can help with that. It brings mental balance and helps us see that…
No, I am not talking about discrimination as in separation and unfair treatment, but as the "power to distinguish and select what is true or appropriate or excellent", according to…
With Jin Shin Jyutsu, we can care and nurture ourselves even if we live alone. Here is a flow that helps us feel cared for and nurtured, boosts our moods and immunity, and brings sunshine to our lives.
Step 1 Place your left hand on your left shoulder. Hold the left outer wrist with your right hand. (L SEL 11 + L SEL 17) Steps 2, 3 and…