Astrology for Self-Awareness
Kick in the New Year with New Awareness
Your astrological chart is a map, a plan in what direction you are meant to grow. The closer you are to that plan, the more joyful and content you feel. And conversely, whenever you deviate from the original plan, dissatisfaction and restlessness appear.
Join us for a practical hands-on exploration of the astrological symbols and principles that make up the astrological chart. You will learn what activities calm you down, where you shine naturally, and where your work is guaranteed success. You will also learn techniques for minimizing struggle and effort, establishing goals and spotting opportunities, applying your passion in the right direction, and much more.
The class meets monthly via Zoom on the third Saturday at 2:00 – 3:30 pm US Eastern Time. Linger after class for an informal 30-minute Q&A time.
First Class is on January 21, 2:00 pm US Eastern Time via Zoom. What better time to start a new thing on the first new moon of the new year!
You can view the class flyer HERE or by clicking on the image to the right.
Register for ClassClass Topics
The class topics come directly from the class workbook. Students receive a complimentary copy upon registration.
You can also purchase a Deluxe Personalized Workbook for yourself (or others) that includes your astrological chart, personal mini-readings interspersed with the astrological principles and symbols, and additional video and reading resources.
Here is what to expect:
- The Moon – What calms you down and brings comfort.
- The Lunar Nodes – Personal growth and life direction.
- Saturn – Lessons, hard work, and rewards.
- Sun – Being the star in your life.
- Mars – Your passion and drive.
- Mercury – Your communications director.
- Venus – Getting along with others.
- Jupiter – Setting goals and spotting opportunities.
- Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto – Inspiration, Freedom, and Power
Class Flyer
Click on the image below to view the Class Flyer.

To register, click on the button below. You will be directed to my booking page where you can select the class for which you wish to register. Follow the prompts to select time zone, and available day and time. You can register one class at a time for more multiple classes. Select the time slots and click continue. You will be asked to pay after you complete the registration data.
Register for ClassA Personalized Class Workbook
Upon registration for the class, you will receive a complimentary copy of the class workbook. Get the Deluxe Personalized version of the Workbook for yourself or others. It includes a professionally created copy of your birth chart, personalized mini-readings interspersed with the astrological symbols, and links to further video and reading resources.
Prefer Individual Consultations?
Go to the Services Page for individual astrological readings, short- and long-term forecasts, life coaching, or Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help consultations.
Order Personalized Workbook Go to Services