You are not alone and help is always within reach

This site is dedicated to you, Traveler, who already feel that there is more to life than what it appears at first sight. Deep down, you know you can do more than what it is now, and you are searching for ways to express that potential. You have a function in the world that you have come to fulfill, and you are ready to accept it.

The services I offer come from my personal experience. My focus has always been on the here and now, on moving away from the struggles toward the effortless reality lurking just beyond the edge of the apparent existence. I started reading about Astrology out of curiosity and used myself as my first test subject. Then, I moved on to friends and family until others began requesting my services as well. I offer them now openly to anyone who would like to use astrological principles for living in line with the great cosmic cycles. If you wish to explore those cycles and how they are unfolding in your life, I’d recommend that you book an Initial Cycles Consultation which lasts about 1.5 hours. After that, follow-up consultations are one-hour long.

Independently of my research into the Cycles, I came across the healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu when I was searching for means to deal with excruciating backaches. There are many wonderful alternative healing modalities, but Jin Shin Jyutsu was the only one I found that appealed to my scientific background with its clear principles, structure, and philosophy. If you are new to Jin Shin Jyutsu, you may wish to check out the self-help classes I have created. If you wish to create an individual self-help practice tailored to your needs, I would recommend that you book a JSJ Self-Help Consultation

Astrology and JSJ blend naturally through numeric resonance – the division of 12 is fundamental for both. One gives an understanding and ideas, the other – practical steps of alleviating physical discomfort. Together, they provide the means to reduce the stress in our lives. For more details on how you can do that, check out Services page